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发布时间:2016-08-25   编辑:总会信息中心 赵恬   来源:

2016818日,贸推中心率9家中国企业拜会了伊朗驻华大使阿里﹒ 阿斯加尔﹒哈吉阁下,并就中国企业赴伊投资等交换了意见。哈吉大使阁下高度评价中伊两国友好关系,对中国企业赴伊投资表示热烈欢迎,并介绍了伊近期经济与投资总体环境及相关优惠政策。企业代表分别介绍了本企业情况及赴伊投资意向。江苏宝利国际有限公司董事长周德洪向哈吉大使介绍了公司将于9月份赴伊朗考察石油化工、沥青和道路基建项目的详细计划及工作进展,希望得到伊方的支持与配合。


On 18th August, CCPIT Trade Development and Cooperation Center with 9 representative enterprises made an official visit to Islamic Republic of Iran Ambassador in China Mr. Ali Asghar Khaji to further discuss China- Iran Investment collaboration. Ambassador Khaji spoke highly of China-Iran friendship and expressed his most welcome for Chinese enterprises to invest in Iran. Furthermore, he introduced the general foreign investment environment and policies in Iran.

Thereafter, enterprise representatives briefly introduced their business and Iranian investment plan. President of Baoli International Mr. Zhou Dehong introduced Baoli and its investment proposal in Iranian bitumen, oil catalyst and infrastructure. Mr Zhou hoped that the Embassy would support their proposal and assist their first business visit plan to Iran in this September.

CCPIT Trade Development and Cooperation Center (TDCC) representative Mr. Cui Wenlong introduced the obstacles and issues of local Chinese enterprises undertaking foreign investment. CCPIT TDCC has the capability and resources to support Chinese enterprises who are interested in foreign investment. Moreover, Mr. Cui expressed his hope that Iran Embassy can support these Chinese enterprises investment in Iran.

In the end, Ambassador Khaji emphasized that Iran Embassy would fully support investment and foreign trade of Chinese enterprises in Iran together with CCPIT TDCC.

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