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发布时间:2016-08-25   编辑:总会信息中心 赵恬   来源:

2016817日,伊朗“一路一带投资伊朗论坛” 在北京伊朗驻华大使馆成功举办。伊交通运输部、财经部、城市发展部副部长,伊外国投资委员会主席、伊驻华大使、伊中商会主席等与会并分别致辞,介绍伊朗经济投资最新政策以及伊朗在基建、城市发展、化工等行业的投资机会,表示欢迎中国企业家赴伊朗投资。贸推中心组织江苏宝利国际公司等13家中国企业参会,宝利董事长周德洪作为嘉宾代表就公司在伊投资计划进行了专题介绍。

On August 17, “One Belt One Road Iran Investment” Forum was held by Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in Beijing. Iranian officials attended this meeting, including Minister of Economics and Finance Affairs H.E. Dr. Tabuniya, Vice Minister and President of Iran Investment, Economics, Finance and Technical Assistance Organisation H.E. Dr. Khazaei, Vice Minister of Roads and Urbanisation H.E. Dr.Kasha, and Honourable Chairman of Iran-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Asgaroladi. Investment opportunities in infrastructure, urbanization and chemical industry were introduced to the attendees.


Dr. Tabuniya expresses that the friendly cooperation between China and Iran is deeply rooted in the spirit of Silk Road and the mutual oriental value which is long-lasting and stable. Due to the support of leaders from the two countries, the relationship between two countries including trade has been improved enormously and continuously. In the new situation, Iran’s development room is broadened, Iran will take China-Iran relationship to a strategic level and its cooperation with China is of the first priority. The Iranian side would like to work with China together, promote the commercial cooperation between China and Iran for further progress.


Trade Develop and Cooperation Center of CCPIT was invited to attend this meeting and led a representative group of 13 enterprises along. Enterprises representative Mr. Zhou Dehong, the president of Jiangsu Baoli International Investment company introduced the plan of investing Iranian bitumen, oil catalyst and infrastructure industry.


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