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发布时间:2019-02-15   编辑:总会宣传出版中心 梁雪   来源:



        1. 建设、管理和运营中国贸促会中小企业贸易便利化综合服务平台--“贸促通”。该平台充分发挥和利用贸促会资源优势和自身渠道,为企业特别是广大中小企业提供贸易便利化、双向投资、技术合作等服务。

        2. 开展出口产品(国际标准)检测认证的咨询与代理工作。为纺织服装、食品药品、机械电子三大行业的中国产品出口到欧美及“一带一路”沿线国家新兴市场提供相关出口国质量标准检测认证的代理和咨询服务。

        3. 承建与运营中国贸促会(广东)自由贸易试验区南沙服务中心。自2017年起,贸推中心以中国(广东)自由贸易试验区广州南沙新区片区为重要业务基地,与自贸试验区政府、知名企业、有关商协会建立紧密合作关系,积极参与自贸试验区的合作开发,延伸贸促会的国际贸易和商事法律服务职能,推动自贸试验区的发展,不断增强中外企业间的经贸合作与技术交流。


           CCPIT Trade Development and Cooperation Center (CCPIT-TDCC)

As a core subsidiary of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), CCPIT-TDCC is specialized in supporting the needs of Chinese small and medium enterprise (SMEs) in international trade and investment activities. The major business fields and services include:

Trade Access Master (www.tamaster.cn)
Launched in 2017, Trade Access Master is an on-line system to provide third-party professional services in import&export, inbound and outbound investment, technology transfer etc.

International Standard Testing and Certification Agency
Providing international standard testing and certification agency& consulting services for exporting products from textile&garments, food&drug, and machinery&electronics industry to US and European markets, as well as emerging markets along”Belt and Road”.

CCPIT Service Center for Nansha in Guangdong Pilot FTZ
Established in 2017, CCPIT Service Center for Nansha in Guangdong Pilot FTZ becomes the important operation hub for CCPIT-TDCC business in South China, working closely with China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, regional business chambers and local enterprises, promoting international economic and trade cooperation for local Chinese SMEs with their foreign counterparts.



中国国际贸易促进委员会 版权所有
地址:复兴门外大街1号,北京,中国 邮编:100860 电话:(010)88075000 传真:(010)68011370 电子邮箱:webmaster@ccpit.org